Case Study
Digital Events | Live Sports
Don't sit home alone watching the game anymore — now you can HANG with your sports heroes as they watch with you!

The Campaign
Event Appearance | Social Media | Football (Soccer)
As part of their Full-Service plan, Let's Hang has a dedicated Account Manager to take their goals and turn them into campaigns with Athletes. They approached us with a need to acquire two athletes to appear during the live watch event of the Argentina vs Mexico World Cup game. Athletes were to watch the game live with fans and take part in a Q&A during half time. The all-stars would also help promote the live event on their own social media.
The Athletes
Oribe Peralta | Marco Fabian
Lets Hang and our team decided on two Spanish soccer all-stars, Marco Fabian and Oribe Peralta. Both athletes boast over 1 million followers on Instagram, ensuring that their posts will help bring in viewers of the game. On top of that, a large percentage of their audiences live in Mexico and so, they were the perfect group to invite to view the live event.

Athlete audience broken down by country
Athletes' Instagram following
The Content
For this campaign, Oribe and Marco were both required to post an Instagram reel that told their fans about the live watch party. The post had to be joined with the LetsHang Instagram account and make references to their partners. Once on the live stream, they both interacted with fans and Hang was able to keep all recorded content for their own social and website use.
The Results
Video views
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