Santte Foods Case Study

Case Study

Food & Beverage | CBD  

Santte Foods remakes traditional treats from all around the world and substitute the ingredients for high-quality nutritious alternatives.

The Campaign

Product Seeding | Social Media | Nutrition & Recovery

Black Sheep, a healthy alternative to CBD treats, prides itself on using high-quality natural ingredients to offer a guilt-free product that our consumers can enjoy. Our mission is to provide the healthiest, tastiest snacks for you and your loved ones to enjoy! We want to partner with athletes who have a health-first mentality when it comes to the food they put into their bodies and enjoy CBD for recovery purposes. You shouldn’t have to choose between delicious and healthy --- you can have both!

The Athletes

Killer Kelly | Ana Carolina Martins | Lexie Sutter | Raquel Torres | Darya "Sonya Deville" Berenato

After receiving over 200 applications for this campaign, Santte Foods and our team narrowed down the list of athletes only to 4 that fit the brand image. Each athlete had a proven record of creating quality content for both Instagram and TikTok. 

IG follower count case study (1)
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Athletes' Instagram Following

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Athletes' audiences broken down by age

The Content

 For this campaign, athletes were given the creative freedom to develop a TikTok video, Instagram in-feed post, and story that their followers would enjoy and engage with. All the athletes made excellent content, leading to high engagement rates. The only requirements were to have the product visible in pictures and videos and that they mention Santte Foods in the post.

The Results




Cost per engagement

sales team case study page

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